Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sewing for me? skirt tutorial from Leanne at Elle Apparel

How creative and lovely is this skirt? (and so perfect in that mustard color) If I ever get over sewing for my family and decide to sew something for myself, something like this might be top of the list. Creative, original, and versatile... the Pinwheel Skirt from Elle Apparel (via UCreate) tutorial here.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

don't you love baby sewing tutorials?

I did some more sewing this past weekend for my littlest love thanks to some online tutorials.

This baby hat to match her little outfit (tutorial from Make It and Love It)
(don't you love the City Weekend knits! precious and oh so soft!)

and this little baby kimono from the Martha Stewart tutorial

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The perfect dress for my girl (and me)

Have you seen the wonderful Once Upon a Thread going on at No Big Dill? I know I've mentioned it before... you've got to check it out!! I love it.
look at this dress...
a bubble skirt, bright rainbow colors... I would wear this. I know my eldest would love it!
Definitely adding this to the "make it as soon as possible" list. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

delivery kit inspiration

I was particularly touched by the last Craft Hope Project- perhaps because I am expecting to deliver our third little miracle soon and I can't imagine doing it in Haiti. Cheryl's contribution (at A Pretty Cool Life) was so beautiful... Don't you love these cute rattles?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tea Rose Home

Have you seen this blog? ... so inspirational.
you will be amazed at what this woman can do.
Just look at what she did with her t-shirt:
and there's a tutorial here. :)
Also, check out her efforts toward disaster relief in Japan where her family is.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Napkin Project and more

I have been wanting to make some cloth napkins for a while... and after running across this tutorial at the lovely Purl Bee, napkins are definitely on my list! And check out the other spring project ideas- so beautiful! Wouldn't Molly's Little Lamb Pillow be perfect in a nursery?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Craft Hope Update

Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time
For those of you who have the fantastic Craft Hope book, there is an update to the Baby Kimono pattern on p69. Download the new project template here.
Check out the current Craft Hope Project: Konbit Sante. The deadline to contribute has passed, but it is so inspiring to thing what such a little donation can do.
As things continue to unravel in Japan, I am hopeful that I can find some way to craft some love and send it that way. I can't even imagine what they must be living through there...

Monday, March 14, 2011

spring coat tutorial from Sewing in No Man's Land

It's no secret I love this blog. Free tutorials and patterns, tips for sewing for little ones... I'm hooked. Take a look at this spring coat.
Kelly promises it is "sooooooo crazy easy you will have no problems!" Um.... is that possible? A coat... easy? is that lining I see? sounds scary to this beginner... but I just might be crazy enough to try this one in the future. I love the ruffles and pleats! Check out the petite chouette coat here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the artful bird...

is this not the best fabric bird you have ever seen? i love it! By Abby Glassenberg via Elsie Marley. It is part of a fabulous book called the Artful Bird. The other creations are just as lovely. Check out this flamingo... definitely artful birds.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

felt food

Have you seen the fun and lovely series Once Upon a Thread going on at No Big Dill? Two of my favorite things together- sewing and children's books. Awesome.
If I was going to make some felt food for my girls to play with, this is definitely where I would start. Great tutorial from Sachiko at Tea Rose Home.

Monday, March 7, 2011

baby kimono tutorial

With less than a month before our littlest one is due to be born, I am totally consumed with wanting to sew for her! After I finish her quilt (and the millions of other things on my list-ha!) I would love to try this sweet baby kimono wrap from Benita at Betty Kingston via Sew Mama Sew... is there anything as cute as tiny clothes?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pillow Party!

Today I hosted my first sewing get together... so fun!
I have a number of friends with machines, so we got together to make pillows.
Oh if every week ended with a pillow party...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dress a Girl Around the World!

LBG studio

Little Big Girl Studio is hosting a great sew-along March 7-12. If you have the time to sew a pillowcase dress, join Vanessa and Dress a Girl Around the World! Tutorials and ideas to come over at lbg studio next week. Check it out!

Babies, Babies, Babies!

With my next little one due in a month or so, I have got sewing for babies on the brain! I have even toyed with the idea of taking a week off of work to sew and prepare for her arrival. Too bad that's not practical. If I had the time, here are some sewing tutorials I'd get to work on right away... after my quilt, of course. :)
1. Recovering a Baby Car Seat from Make It and Love It
Didn't she do a fantastic job? I love the yellow and gray.
2. Also from Make It and Love It, Knit baby blankets and hats:
3. The Basic Bib tutorial from Nested
4. Dana at Made's Crib Sheet tutorial

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I just have to share this link. Jaime from Prudent Baby (and author of Prudent Advice) wrote this article called Motherhood, the End of Adventure? Why having a baby is just the beginning

It is a beautifully written piece about the real beauty of having your life belong to someone else. Definitely worth a read. But if you just want the punchline, here it is in Jaime's words:
And that’s when it hit me hard: One day as a mother presents an astonishing multitude of possible paths — points of diversion more wild than any plane ticket, rail pass, or map could ever offer. The choices and their consequences are more exciting because they are simply more important. And they are more important because THEY ARE NOT ABOUT YOU. My life as a mother is anticipation, mystery, and imminent change. And most exciting of all is my certainty that whatever tonight holds, I will wake up tomorrow morning and not be the center of my own attention. My kid taught me to be enchanted and fulfilled by the unpredictability of our life at home. The travels of my youth were just the beginning of a journey of self-discovery that landed me in the wildest of destinations: parenthood. Now the real adventure begins.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


i know it's a horrible cell phone picture, but look! my first quilt! all the front pieces are cut and ready to be stitched...
I am in love with the color combinations... plum, turquoise, mustard, red... feels just right for this little girl. Now I need a few days off to sew! ha!